Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Workin on it

I am an impatient person. When I get something in my head, it has to happen immediately. If not I get cranky and pout and carry on like a spoiled toddler. Not my finest moment and something I am working on, but there it is. The unfortunate part is once I get what I want I realize how impulsive I was and regret my decision.

I am working so hard to be a better mom, a better wife and a better friend. And God knows my struggle because I give it to him... a few hundred times a day. But dang it all if I don't want to wake up in the morning perfect and loved by everyone for how lovely I am to be around.... I'm not there yet. As a matter of fact I yelled at my almost 4 year old this morning to take his medicine. It is awful, horrible stuff... but it helps. Poor baby was almost coughing himself off the bed last night. He refused. He cried. He kicked and covered his mouth. I spilled the medicine. And I yelled. And then I felt awful. I went to his room and apologized.  I begged him to please take his medicine. I bribed him with donuts, candy, money, anything his little heart could want. Nothing worked. Until I said he could rinse his mouth as soon as he swallowed it.... that was the key!

I am back to being nice mom. I took big girl to school, gave her kisses and told her how much I love her. I cam home and straitened up... a little. Big boy is sick and  my moving around was agitating him. And baby just wanted mommy to sit with him. So here I am. Watching Clifford.

So I am not perfect yet. Maybe tomorrow... probably not.

1 comment:

Brigetta Schwaiger said...

Perfect is over-rated and uninteresting. Thanks for coming by my blog and following.