Thursday, March 25, 2010


No where exciting. Unless you count staying home as exciting, but nevertheless the hubs has been on vacation for 10 days, and has 10 or so more to go! It has been so nice having him around, and getting a break from all the household responsibilities has been relaxing. I am not looking forward to him going back.

In other news, I finally got an interview. They are checking my references and background and I have a feeling if all goes well I will be offered the job! Hopefully my feeling is correct.

My clean eating has been somewhat sporadic the past few weeks, and my workouts have been nonexistent, but  I am back on track eating wise. The workouts will probably wait until the hubs goes back to work. But we have been walking everyday so I count that!

We are getting ready to put our house on the market. I am so over being a landlord. Hopefully it sells quickly but with the market the way it is, who knows. What I do know is I look forward to getting it sold and finding a new home here!

So much going on, I am sure I am forgetting something.

1 comment:

Donatella said...

New follower! came from my sister dustylu blog ...glad I stopped by...