Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What I have found to be true

I am a people person. And I am addicted to shopping. Neither is a bad trait, but one is definitely harder on the budget! If I could find a job where all I did was shop all day, I would be one of those annoying people who gushes about how much they truly love their job. You know the ones, you roll your eyes at them, and then either lie and say how much you love your job, or try in vain to change the subject.

And people. I love people. The misters job moved us about a year ago, to a tiny town where everyone knows everyone, and yet I think I have felt more alone this past year then I have the entire time I lived in our old city. I just haven't connected with anyone yet, but I have vowed to work on it. I'm thinking a tequila playdate with some other mommies will help!

I also have this sudden urge to be creative. I want to learn how to sew! Upholster furniture! Antique shop and decorate our house the way I see on all those inspiring decor blogs. I'll settle with blogging for now. Between this and becoming the coolest mom on the block I might have my hands full. But I promise to document every single mishap I have along the way of becoming a domesticated housewife and hostess extraordinaire!