Friday, October 30, 2009

Funny little thing

So I have these thoughts, as I peruse the blogs I follow, and sigh when they haven't been updated., I think: maybe someday, because I am so witty and awesome lovely ladies will sigh when they see I haven't updated. And my life will be complete. Well maybe not complete, but you know.

I am on the search for cute knee high socks. Remember when I told you about my impulse problem, well I bought a pair of Frye harness boots, and now I need awesome socks to go with them.

I tried to make a ghost cake for the kids, but they got to it before I could cover it with fondant. So it is now a mummy cake, and the back half of his poor head has already been devoured.

Today is scour and disinfect the house Friday. I think we are at the end of the illness journey that has plagued us for the last week-ish. Of course now that everyone is almost healthy it means my turn is coming. Hate how that works. So I really need to get everything clean. Which means I probably should stop typing. But I like all of you so much. All two of you that follow the blog, and the million of you I know read in secret! haha. And I know you find all of this so fascinating in a Wow girlfriend has issues kind of way.

I will clean after I take a nap.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Workin on it

I am an impatient person. When I get something in my head, it has to happen immediately. If not I get cranky and pout and carry on like a spoiled toddler. Not my finest moment and something I am working on, but there it is. The unfortunate part is once I get what I want I realize how impulsive I was and regret my decision.

I am working so hard to be a better mom, a better wife and a better friend. And God knows my struggle because I give it to him... a few hundred times a day. But dang it all if I don't want to wake up in the morning perfect and loved by everyone for how lovely I am to be around.... I'm not there yet. As a matter of fact I yelled at my almost 4 year old this morning to take his medicine. It is awful, horrible stuff... but it helps. Poor baby was almost coughing himself off the bed last night. He refused. He cried. He kicked and covered his mouth. I spilled the medicine. And I yelled. And then I felt awful. I went to his room and apologized.  I begged him to please take his medicine. I bribed him with donuts, candy, money, anything his little heart could want. Nothing worked. Until I said he could rinse his mouth as soon as he swallowed it.... that was the key!

I am back to being nice mom. I took big girl to school, gave her kisses and told her how much I love her. I cam home and straitened up... a little. Big boy is sick and  my moving around was agitating him. And baby just wanted mommy to sit with him. So here I am. Watching Clifford.

So I am not perfect yet. Maybe tomorrow... probably not.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life is crazy

The work on the house is finished! We have new tenants living there, and they appear to be normal and willing to take great care of the house. They are an answer to our prayers, and I am so thankful. Finally we can relax, at least for a bit!

The family has been sick, but I think we are at the end of it. My youngest has a horrible cough, but seems more chipper tonight.

I have started on my Christmas shopping, I cannot believe it is almost here. First of course I am planning a family Halloween party for the kids. I still need to go shopping for a few things, but I think the kids are going to have a lot of fun.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekend renovations

The family spent the weekend at our old house, renovating in hopes of getting a fair price when it goes on the market. I am now a power tool goddess! But that awesome new title does not make up for the fact that home repairs suck. Especially when you don't get to live in said home and enjoy all the new.

The plus side is the kids get to see my parents and run all over their property. And I get a chance to visit them. I really do miss living near my family. Unfortunately it also brings up questions of why they can't see hubs family. Recently we had to sever ties with them which I think has been pretty difficult on the kids. Hopefully over time communication can be opened again and we can all heal, but for now the relationship is toxic, and not something I want to expose the kids to.

In talking with my mom, she has a sewing machine for me! Hopefully I can get it this weekend. I am so excited to learn, and to hopefully be able to follow some of the awesome patterns I have seen on different blogs. I'd love to be able to sew clothes for the kids and myself. The hubs isn't really into the whole homemade thing,yet. Maybe once he sees my awesome skills he'll change his mind!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am exhausted. But I can't sleep. Don't you hate that, when you can barely keep your eyes open but the minute  you close them your mind races and all thoughts of sleep are replaced with far less pressing, but more stressful things. Aargh. I am going to drag tomorrow, and I'm sure I will post something incoherent. Hopefully it will be funny though, that way when I look back at it I can laugh. Now would be a good time for a sewing machine.


I hate cleaning. Laundry, dishes, and vaccuming are the bane of my existance. People have enemies, I have chores. If I could spend the rest of my life never having to clean again I would be in heaven. So why do I torture myself everyday?

Today's list, laundry; which includes washing, drying, ironing, folding and putting away. I have 1 1/2 more loads to go before I am free. I think laundry may be my most loathed chore.I want a machine that washes, drys and presses the clothes for me. Is that so much to ask, Maytag? I mean we can send people to space and I can't get a machine that does the work for me.Whatev.