Saturday, May 22, 2010

I planned to blog today..

 I haven't been on the computer long enough to do much of anything lately, and I really planned to sit down and entertain you all with my fabulous musings; I got side tracked. Sorry. I was catching up with the blogs I follow, and getting sucked in to reading blogs they linked to and, well, here I am now.

Work is crazy. It is busy and easy at the same time. The easy part bothers me. I like to be challenged. I need to be challenged, and so far it just isn't happening. I was scared at first; my new co-workers were telling me how hard it is, how there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish what they ask of us etc. But I haven't had that problem yet. I guess the hardest part is the directors expecting me to create results out of nothing, with no money. Hmmm, not sure how I am suppose to make that work, but I am making a plan.

The kids and hubs are good. I'm good. Things are different. It is weird being away all day, I still am not use to that. We have looked at a few houses, and if all goes right may be getting one by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

You would think after a month with nothing to say I would have something! Sorry. I will do better next time, promise!